Fire Services Design

We are unique because we are able to provide an integrated fire service design. We generate FIRE ENGINEERED REPORTS and match the outcomes of the report with our FIRE SAFETY DESIGN.

Our ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS REPORTS feature an ongoing evolution in fire safety engineering. We strictly adhere to the National Construction Code’s tenets of life safety and property protection while placing emphasis on the readability of the report. Our Alternative Solutions Reports feature innovative cost saving designs while not compromising the performance requirements of their respective deemed to satisfy requirements. Computer graphic integrated pictures show clarity with the proposed alternative solution. Whether the report is reviewed by an executive, industry peer, MFB, CFA, surveyor or independent fire services design team the report should always be clear, readable and reflective of the evolving fire engineering report process.

Our director has a Master’s in Fire Safety Engineering. He has generated Fire Engineered Reports and has them reviewed by a leading industry peer. Their approval coupled with ECH’s professional indemnity insurance allows for the pathway report to proceed to a Regulation 1507: Certificate of Compliance – Design.

FIRE SAFETY DESIGN features all of the components that a unique building needs for a deemed to satisfy compliance. The application for pressure and flow and the hydraulic design help us determine the best, cost effective design solution. We specify all of the necessary components for the sometimes incipient sprinkler construction industry to work form.

Key components include:

  • Hydrants & Hose Reels
  • Sprinklers
  • Smoke & Heat detection
  • Emergency warning
  • Pumps, tanks, booster assemblies
  • MFB & CFA coordination

Our design and SPECIFICATION documentation is according to industry standards.
