Electrical Engineering
ELECTRICAL designs incorporate the design to facilitate the delivery of power and communication for your building project.
We listen to your specific design needs and respectively cater to them as reflected in our design documentation.
The evolution of your building is from the careful exploration of the building’s needs generated from your design team. Client, local authority & council, architects, fellow engineers & end user requirements provide us with the necessary input to form the best possible design.
We aim for economically sustainable, innovative design to both optimise initial start up construction costs and ongoing end user tenant outlays.
We provide POWER & COMMUNICATIONS designs complete with wiring conduit layouts for site plan and individual floor sections. The calculation for the size of power sub stations and the coordination for their location is an integral part of our design process. Communication pits, the location of data points, cable trays and communication risers are placed to allow easy maintenance access as well as allow for good aesthetic appearances.
Our LIGHTING LAYOUTS demonstrate the National Construction Code’s Part J6 ‘Artificial Lighting and Power’ energy efficiency mandates. The optimal choices of luminaire’s for each selected zone reflect the product of out J SECTION REPORT. Exit signs, emergency lighting and the location of control points for lighting are designed through the coordination of the project’s design team. We are proud of our ability to ‘add value’ to the architect’s design by offering good communication protocols. An integrated approach with the design team is a normal function of our design process.
SECTION J ENERGY EFFICIENCY REPORTS demonstrate to the building surveyor the detailed analysis of the energy efficiency of the design. We cover all aspects set out in Part J6 of the National Construction Code from the implementation of timer switches to the size and location of selected luminaries.
Our design and SPECIFICATION documentation is according to industry standards.