Mechanical Engineering

Our HEATING, VENTILATION and AIR CONDITIONING designs (HVAC) provide the required documentation for architects and contractors to fit out your building’s mechanical services.

We design your HVAC system according to AS1668.1 1998 & AS1668.2 1991 the Australian Standard for ‘The use of ventilation and air conditioning in buildings’. Designs include the calculation for heating and cooling loads, the selection of external package units, the size location and run of ducts and the choice of diffusers. We coordinate with your design team to have the placement of these essential services seamlessly match as best as possible with the building’s aesthetic appearance. The installation costs of HVAC systems are given special consideration and their choices are coordinated with the project design team.

We design for commercial fit outs like restaurants where careful consideration is made for kitchen exhaust extraction, make up air and noise levels.

SECTION J ENERGY EFFICIENCY REPORTS demonstrate to the building surveyor the detailed analysis of the energy efficiency of the design. We cover all aspects set out in Part J5 of the National Construction Code from the provision of fresh air to the assessment of the architectural glazing. We also diagrammatically represent the intended wall cross sections that are required to achieve the minimum thermal heat values.

SPECIFICATION documentation detail the contractor’s construction mandates. The specification of penetrations, pipe lagging, condensate drainage and air conditioning unit selection are some of the detailed industry standard features we provide.

We listen to your specific design needs and respectively cater to them as reflected in our design documentation.

The evolution of your building is from the careful exploration of the building’s needs generated from your design team. Client, local authority & council, architects, fellow engineers & end user requirements provide us with the necessary input to form the best possible design.

We aim for economically sustainable, innovative design to both optimise construction costs and tenant outlay.

Our design and SPECIFICATION documentation is according to industry standards.
